Why is it so difficult to attain goals? ARGH! I'm frustrated with myself, to an extent that I don't think I've ever been before. I am the QUEEN of planning, setting goals, finding paths to attain them & having the best ideas EVER. I am also the queen of procrastination & seem to have a gifted ability to NOT do the things that would be so incredible if they were realized. If an individual who struggled with creativity in life looked at my planner, he/she would probably be in awe. It is laced with ideas that could make someone a millionaire. If I could create a business that simply sold "ideas"...I would be a very happy person in my career. Not one or two ideas, but there are dozens and dozens of ideas that encompass real possibilities and real opportunities in my head. And I know how to put them into action! Most people struggle with either the creation of concept or the how to implement a concept. I struggle with NEITHER. And unfortunately, there's me...standing behind the creative opportunity...going NOWHERE with it! I simply struggle with DOING.
As 2010 closed, I began thinking of my ONE WORD for 2011. If you don't know what this concept is, you MUST go immediately to www.myoneword.org (after reading this blog, of course) and begin your personal life transformation. Immediately. RUN, don't walk. You must do it. Please don't forget. I'm serious...it will change your life. This blog is almost over. So, anyway, I had come across a saying (no, it's not mine...I'm not THAT creative) that said "I did beats I will any day". It resonated with me. Yes... being able to say "I did this or that" is not arguable. It HAPPENED. It exists. It is not just an IDEA. Unlike "I will", there's a truth attached to "I did". There's a real substance behind an idea and there's a newly created life from it. There's productivity, reality, and hopefully a positive affect towards others from an idea that actually transformed when we can say "I did" something, instead of "I will" do it.
Yes, I decided that "did" is My One Word for 2011. Yet, the most difficult thing is application, isn't it? For those of you who don't struggle with stepping forward every day toward a goal of yours...I am insanely jealous of your ability. For me, I struggle with actually implementing a new concept or idea on a daily basis and this is my goal for change this year! I'm excited because I realize what this can actually bring for me, but I also realize how difficult this task will be and how my chances of failing seem very high. But "they" say (who the hell are they, anyway??? I want to meet them. Immediately.) that if we keep doing what we have always done...(yep...you know how this ends...) we will keep getting what we have always gotten. This year my life will change in many ways. Some things will happen to me, and others I will make happen...so I can say "I did make big things happen".