Friday, April 22, 2011

TRIM your body weekly topic "Digestion? Never really thought about it..."

Yeah, sure...we eat, gulp, hiccup, burp, hear our tummies grumble, wince in abdominal pain every once in a while, fart, wee & poo...(sometimes in that exact order) but yet I have to say... I've not thought much about digestion beyond that.  Is there really healthy digestion vs. non-healthy digestion?  Could it really actually BE any different if I did things differently?  I never thought so before now.

As I was listening to some information on digestive health, I realized a few sounded mostly like "Ah-ha!", but the rest of it sounded like this:

Did you know???
  • You should have 2-3 bowel movements/day if you are eating 2-3 regular meals/day?  They should be effortless, odorless & you shouldn't feel icky should feel healthy and clean.
  • A high fiber diet has a transit time of approximately 30 hours (good), whereas a low fiber diet (only about 20 g) has a transit time of approximately 48 hours (BAD).  Unfortunately, the typical diet is very low in fiber.
  • When food sits too long in your system, it will begin to rot.  What else is it suppose to do...plant a garden???
  • Little tiny hairs in the intenstines work to absorb and transport nutrients.  Or at least that's how they are SUPPOSED to work.  When we eat processed foods & other foods that don't digest well, these hairs get covered up in "goo" and eventually can't absorb anything...even fruits and veggies and other foods that we know are super nutritious go to waste too literally in our system.
So, what can we do everyday to normalize our digestive tracts?

  • Exercise everyday  ...Duh, right?  Seems to be the solution for everything, huh?  But affects your digestion regulation.
  • Drink water  ...I know, "tell me something I don't know".  Yet ample water supply assists your digestion in ways that maybe you haven't thought about.
  • Fish Oil/Omega 3's ...Include fish in your meals 3-5 times/week.  ...I know you've heard of Omega 3's, but the excellent source of fat that Omega 3's provide help everything move at a steady pace so that food doesn't sit in your system for too long.  And fish oil is good for SO many more things than that!  
  • Ingest Probiotics ...Foods that are considered "probiotic" are foods that contain microorganisms very similar to those already existing in our guts and especially similar to the bacteria found in breastfed infants (interesting immunity correlation, eh?).  These excellent microorganisms, when received in a large enough amount, can create uber healthiness in the host that they work in.  Not only that, but probiotics are being used to prevent and treat certain serious illnesses!
  • Cleanse the system ...And not all cleanses are created equal.  Cleansing is not all about losing a few pounds (although that typically happens)...Remember the goo that's blanketed your innocent little villa? A good herbal cleanse will begin to take care of that and will give the opportunity for your body to absorb the nutrients it needs to. 
  • Get Fiber ...Sometimes we think fiber is only for us after we turn 60.  Not true!  Why do you think health nuts push fruits and veggies so much??  That's right, they're naturally loaded in fiber.  In fact, a good lot of foods that are natural and whole contain's for a reason, people.  God had this figured out long before we did.  
  • Maintain digestive balance with Aloe ...That's right, I said aloe.  You know, the plant that mom would tear off and squeeze its guts onto our fresh topical burns?  Although we thought our moms were awkward & must have taken on a bit too much of their hippie generation, Mom knew something we hadn't learned yet.  It's becoming well known that the healing external properties of aloe are just as beneficial from the inside out.  Aloe can soothe a disturbed digestive system and will maintain the peace when used regularly.
  • Begin to regularly eat healthy, nutritious food.  Eat regularly and snack on healthy things often!!  

So here's your to-do list for getting back on a healthy (digestive) track...
  1. Exercise.
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Eat fish 3-5x/wk or supplement with Herbalifeline Omega 3's.
  4. Take in probiotics.  An adequate amount of fermented dairy (yogurts etc.) or supplement with Florafiber.
  5. Clean it up!  Get back to square 1 in 21-Days.  
  6. Eat fruits, veggies and supplement your fiber if you need to.  Remember our goal...2-3 chill & easy stools/day.
  7. Begin using aloe.  My favorite is the Mango.  I'm not a fan of the original flavor.
  8. If you want to begin changing the nutrients that enter your body for meals, feel free to contact me about a 2-day sample pack of protein packed meal shakes, yummy bars and drinks that can aid your daily intake of what your body really needs.  
I know it seems like a big list, but you could get everything started today & feel EXCELLENT in no time.  Your insides deserve it.

2-Day Sample Pack of "OHmahGOODNESS"

Herbalife Sample Packs available now. Pick up for ONLY $20 or Shipped directly to you for $25.

Curious to try my favorite Herbalife products for 2 full days?...includes: 4 Healthy Meal Shakes, 2 yummy Protein Bars, 4 flavors of the energy tea (FAN FAVORITE), & 2 fruity protein snack beverages. I will customize pack with flavors 4 u. For only $20, you have the opportunity to "try before you buy".

-Cookies N Cream
     *or Cookies N Chocolate Cream
-Caffe Latte
     *or Caffe Latte Mocha 
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-Vanilla Almond
-Peanut Butter
-Chocolate Peanut
-Chocolate Coconut
-Citrus Lemon
-Chocolate Fudge


-Wild Berry
-Peach Mango

Need to...     


                                                                                   Herbalife can do all 3!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I "DID" Beats I "WILL" Any Day!

Why is it so difficult to attain goals?  ARGH!  I'm frustrated with myself, to an extent that I don't think I've ever been before.  I am the QUEEN of planning, setting goals, finding paths to attain them & having the best ideas EVER.  I am also the queen of procrastination & seem to have a gifted ability to NOT do the things that would be so incredible if they were realized.  If an individual who struggled with creativity in life looked at my planner, he/she would probably be in awe.  It is laced with ideas that could make someone a millionaire.  If I could create a business that simply sold "ideas"...I would be a very happy person in my career.  Not one or two ideas, but there are dozens and dozens of ideas that encompass real possibilities and real opportunities in my head.  And I know how to put them into action!  Most people struggle with either the creation of concept or the how to implement a concept.  I struggle with NEITHER.   And unfortunately, there's me...standing behind the creative opportunity...going NOWHERE with it!  I simply struggle with DOING.

As 2010 closed, I began thinking of my ONE WORD for 2011.  If you don't know what this concept is, you MUST go immediately to (after reading this blog, of course) and begin your personal life transformation.  Immediately.  RUN, don't walk.  You must do it.  Please don't forget.  I'm will change your life.  This blog is almost over.  So, anyway, I had come across a saying (no, it's not mine...I'm not THAT creative) that said "I did beats I will any day".  It resonated with me.  Yes... being able to say "I did this or that" is not arguable.  It HAPPENED.  It exists.  It is not just an IDEA.  Unlike "I will", there's a truth attached to "I did".  There's a real substance behind an idea and there's a newly created life from it.  There's productivity, reality, and hopefully a positive affect towards others from an idea that actually transformed when we can say "I did" something, instead of "I will" do it.

Yes, I decided that "did" is My One Word for 2011.  Yet, the most difficult thing is application, isn't it?  For those of you who don't struggle with stepping forward every day toward a goal of yours...I am insanely jealous of your ability.  For me, I struggle with actually implementing a new concept or idea on a daily basis and this is my goal for change this year!  I'm excited because I realize what this can actually bring for me, but I also realize how difficult this task will be and how my chances of failing seem very high.  But "they" say (who the hell are they, anyway???  I want to meet them.  Immediately.) that if we keep doing what we have always done...( know how this ends...) we will keep getting what we have always gotten.  This year my life will change in many ways.  Some things will happen to me, and others I will make I can say "I did make big things happen".
